The contrast between spirituality of years ago and to today is extreme. The media and most of society show me I need a vast array of people, places and things to fit in and to be happy. In Yoga we say this is “Maya”; an illusion. No matter how long I seek and no matter how many things I acquire, I am always left wanting. Even worse, I am ungrateful for what I have. I may be satisfied for a short time but there will always be the next object of my desire. We call this the horizon effect.
Spiritual strength and adaptability grow when we learn to pull our attention and energy away from the external world of people and things and focus it inward. In the world of those who live for instant gratification and narcissism, Spiritual strength does not exist. However, it is our spiritual strength that cultivates the ability to adapt to our physical and mental experience. The faster I can align my body, mind and spirit with conditions that I might otherwise find unacceptable, the less stress I put on myself. Stress is said to be the source of all disease. It is a complete energy suck that drains my body and mind of the resources it needs to repair, revitalize and renew.
This is the foundation of the concept of fasting. Doing without offers an opportunity to cleanse, renew and re-appreciate. Fasting needs not only be a food fast. Consider a complete media fast or technology fast. Consider a speaking fast; then notice your impulse to say something in reply to what others say to you. In the spirit of St. Francis, it is better to hear than it is to be heard. It is better to understand than be understood. Fasting practices are a reset. They ground us and bring us back to a place of clarity. I can then redirect that energy to where it is supposed to go and I can live in peace.
Ego says that when everything falls into place, I will have peace. Spirit says when I have peace, everything will fall into place. Our society has put a high priority on things but the one who’s top priority is to build Spirit attains the most valuable wealth. It redirects away from the focus on material things to building an internal connection of Self to God, the Universal Spirit or Nature. Notice what people, places and things are weighing you down. Let them go to gain clarity. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.