Bhakti Yoga Teacher Training

Imagine Yourself...
How is Our Training Different from Most?
Most teacher trainings over emphasize the physical aspect of yoga at the expense of the spiritual. At BYSJ YTT, you will focus on the authentic spiritual aspect in theory and in practice. It is woven throughout the training; on and off the mat.
It is hard to find a training whose leaders follow a real Guru. Ed and Sandy have both studied for over 600 hours each under Guru Yogi Amrit Desai. We share these teachings with you and you will experience the life-changing skills they bring.
Many trainings do not offer a deep meditative experience. You will practice the ancient and authentic Amrit Yoga Nidra Meditation 2-3 times a day at BYSJ YTT. This practice is designed to bypass the mental aspects of negative behaviors and patterns and clear energetic blocks is the mind-body systems.
Few trainings offer the opportunity to teach a full class. Nervousness often stops yoga teacher graduates from actually putting their teaching skills into practice. Some people do teacher training for the personal and spiritual growth and to grow in their asana practice but most want to share their love of yoga by teaching. You will have the opportunity to teach a full yoga class with your head teacher before you graduate. Many of our graduates go on to teach for us. You can opt out of this if your primary purpose is to grow your practice.
Many trainings are in a large group setting and you are taught by a number of hired yoga teachers to guide you through different topics in the curriculum. Our small group setting is ideal for optimal learning and all contact hours are with Ed and Sandy. We don’t hire other instructors to come in and teach you. We are the head teachers and all instruction you get comes from our experience and expertise

Bhakti Yoga South Jersey 200 hour Yoga Alliance registered teateer training school launched in 2013 and registered with Yoga Alliance. A school whose curriculum satisfies or exceeds Yoga Alliance minimum training Standards may register as a RYS . Once a school is registered, the students who complete their subsequent training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®). This credential gives new teachers additional accreditation valued in the yoga community and offers continued education and support.
The teacher training program at Bhakti yoga is transformative. It not only transformed my practice, bringing me deeper in every pose, but the wisdom and teachings Ed and Sandy have to offer transformed my life. ~Alyssa
I felt like I left with more than just a yoga certification. It changes you on such a deep level. -Jennifer
I am grateful to have been able to take this Yoga Teacher Training. It was truly life changing experience. Not only have I personally gained confidence I never knew I had, I feel more humbled than ever through tremendous self-reflection and self-realization. The healing that happens naturally through the training was unexpected. With the guidance of Ed and Sandy, the many yoga nidras we took part in, the conversations held in training and the books we read… I had healing on so many levels. I recommend YTT at this school to everyone. Even if only for deepening of your yoga practice and possibly experiencing a spiritual awakening. Teaching and spreading the love of yoga is so rewarding now though and I am thrilled to do the next training! ~ Kelsey
I appreciate the poses on a different level. They’re more than just physical poses that build flexibility, strength and balance. You learn to appreciate the benefits of each pose. I realized after the training; I hadn’t really understood how to integrate the physical poses with meditation. It’s more than just that final savasana! ~ Julie
Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, there is always room to grow and improve. Posture clinic helped me focus on the alignment of each pose and the importance of translating those cues when I teach. The readings and discussions were very helpful in linking the entire practice of yoga. I learned so much about myself and how I respond to situations on and off my mat. I continue to re-read quotes and chapters that resonated with me during the training. ~ Lisa
There were 7 of us in the training and you see and hear others’ physical, mental and spiritual growth. It’s a community that supports you. We communicated outside of trainings and class often. I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know each of them. ~ Brittany
Overall, I highly recommend completing the training. It’s something that is challenging and inevitably forces you to grow in more ways than you would ever expect. It’s a different level of self-care. And at the end of it, you get to teach people the practice they love or are in the process of learning to understand and appreciate. ~Nicole
This training was exactly what I was looking for to not only develop my Yoga Practice but to also teach me the tools needed to help people develop a deeper connection to the practice of yoga as well. I highly recommend this school for anyone who is looking to deepen their spiritual and conceptual understanding of Hatha Yoga. -Erin
This training has made me a more informed yogi and has given me a great foundation to teach to students. I never knew how transformative this process would be. I would highly recommend this school, not only has it has transformed my practice, but has changed my life as well! -Tara
My appreciation and admiration for yoga teachers has grown. My overall experience in this new yoga journey has brought benefit to me physically, mentally, and spiritually. The ankle injury that brought me to yoga a year ago has healed. Teacher training brought more clarity of knowing who I am and what my purpose is. This has brought me self-realization which helped me overcome the depression. My spiritual relationship with God has strengthened. I can bring my practice to everyday life experiences, such as being able to breathe through struggles, stress, sadness, and also enjoy the moment as it is. This new journey gives me confidence to share all of my experiences to others in a profound way and I’m excited for it. ~ Glennys
The usefulness of the philosophy helped me turn my spiritual believes into tangible actions. I loved reading the yamas and niyamas book. I’ll be reading it and reference back to it throughout my life. These ethical guidelines are a compass to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. ~ C.T.
Curriculum Overview
Bhakti Hot Flow Practice
This hot flow class is the primary sequence for which students will become certified. The standing series combines a Vinyasa flow class and a Hatha class. While the standing sequencing is consistent, the floor postures of each class focus on one or two of the following areas: supine poses, backbends, forward bends, seated poses and spine twists. These are open classes taught by a lead trainer.
Hot Yoga Practice
This class is the traditional hatha hot yoga sequence. The postures practiced in this class are also included as part of the Bhakti Hot Flow primary sequence. These are open classes taught by a lead trainer.
Amrit Yoga with Yoga Nidra
The Integrative Amrit Method Yoga practice encompasses a range of approaches developed to enhance students’ ability to live life spontaneously and effortlessly while learning a unique application of yoga practice to daily life. Postures practiced in this class are included as part of the Bhakti Hot Flow primary sequence. Yoga Nidra is a dynamic state. Like ordinary sleep, it can renew the body and refresh the mind but Yoga Nidra has the ability to alter student’s unconscious programming. This allows individuals to change conscious and unconscious patterns and habits which are not conducive to attaining a higher level of consciousness.
Posture Clinic
Through discussion, active demonstration, and use of the trainee asana handbook, Teaching Yoga, we will identify alignment and cuing for stable, safe movement through all the poses in the Bhakti Yoga sequence. Students will identify how key muscle groups affect flexibility and strength in these poses and apply this to teaching modifications for limitations. Student will be able to give verbal cues, modifications for limitations and demonstrate instruction of proper alignment in these postures. Students will adjust others performing common alignment mistakes with verbal cuing and demonstration. They will integrate cues for press points and energetic extensions with along their cuing for physical alignments. Students will discuss the medical benefit of each pose and the breathing techniques. Students will also readily state all postures names in Sanskrit.
Voice Projection, Communication and Observation Skills
Students will practice leading a Bhakti flow sequence, focusing on voice projection and cue effectiveness. Students will practice using various cue alternatives to prompt the practitioner to follow the desired postural movements. Training students will use observation skills to learn to recognize when cues are not being effectively communicated or physical limitations and modifications are needed.
Hands on Adjustments I
Students will learn to recognize when hands on adjustments are appropriate to use in class. They will learn how to professionally approach a yoga student to perform hands on adjustments. Students will practice on fellow trainees the most common hands on adjustments used in a Bhakti flow class. The first objective students will master in this session is to do no harm. Students will perform adjustments in the most professional manner, holding rigidly to ethics session objectives. Students will perform hands on adjustments most commonly used in a Bhakti flow class.
Hands on Adjustments II
Students will learn the energy exchange, proper breathing and state of mind that are needed to execute safe and effective adjustments. This session expands upon Hands on adjustments I by reflecting on the multidimensional approach to adjustments that goes beyond physical alignment. Training students will use their energy, breath and balanced state of mind to make adjustments to increase a yoga student’s awareness, focus and self-confidence while improving physical alignment.
Teaching Multi-Level Classes
Students will practice delivering instruction for a multi-level class. They will practice concisely offering cues for those with physical limitations first, then readily guide those with increasing levels of ability in such a way that all student levels receive safe and effective instruction. Students will be able to lead a yoga class while effectively offering postural alternatives for a wide range of ability; from those with physical limitations, to those with advanced levels of ability. Students will increase their ability to multitask and cater to various students’ needs simultaneously.
Focus on Physical Limitations
This session will guide trainees through each posture in the Bhakti sequence with a greater focus on modification for those with physical limitations. While the typical Yoga Teacher Trainee has a greater than average level of physical ability, this session will also serve to increase trainee awareness of the myriad of limitations that exist and how important it is to make instruction inclusive of those with these limitations. Students will acquire a deeper understanding of the practitioner who has physical limitations. Training students will be able to guide yoga students with various limitations such that they maintain safe execution and maximum benefit from all of the postures covered in this training.
Anatomy and Physiology
Students will identify main muscles of the appendicular skeleton with their function in movement and stability. They will demonstrate specific postures which highlight coordinated movement patterns between the upper and lower limb tissues including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles pertinent to yoga practice. Students will be able to describe the basic structure, function, and location of the appendicular skeleton: upper and lower limb tissues including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles pertinent to yoga practice. Describe the structure, function, and movements of the limbs, particularly as this relates to healthy movement patterns in yoga practice.
A&P Homework
Homework assignment will be completed in The Anatomy Coloring Book; 4th Edition. Students will complete assignments related to the basic structure, function, and location of the appendicular skeleton: upper and lower limb tissues including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles pertinent to yoga practice. Describe the structure, function, and movements of the limbs, particularly as this relates to healthy movement patterns in yoga practice. Students will be able to describe the basic structure, function, and location of the appendicular skeleton: upper and lower limb tissues including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles pertinent to yoga practice. Describe the structure, function, and movements of the limbs, particularly as this relates to healthy movement patterns in yoga practice.
Yoga Lineage and History
Students will learn the historical timeline and significance of the ancient roots of yoga including the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Tantra, Hatha Yoga, Yoga’s Journey to the West and Contemporary Hatha Yoga Styles. This session will also focus on the life and ancient wisdom of modern master Yogi Amrit Desai; from humble beginnings to the explosion of Kripalu Yoga to a new age of yoga. This lecture will focus on the journey and wisdom of a living guru and modern master. Students will experience Amrit Yoga class in yoga techniques and training and during this lecture learn more about what makes Amrit yoga and the posture of consciousness unique. Students will be able to list the most significant ancient yogic scriptures. They will differentiate between raja yoga and hatha yoga; explaining the importance and evolution of each including the most significant ancient teachers. Students will identify key points in the life of Yogi Amrit Desai.
The Yamas and Niyamas
The Yamas and Niyamas free students to take ownership of their lives and direct it toward the fulfillment they seek. These ten ethical guidelines are the foundation to living skillfully. In this discussion, the Yamas and Niyamas will be covered. The philosophy and guidelines, with practical examples and applications, will be discussed. The practice of the Yamas and Niyamas build a path to gaining the skill to choose individual attitude, thoughts and actions. These concepts are central to an authentic yoga practice. Students will integrate the principles of the yamas and niyamas into daily
The Yoga Sutras
The yoga Sutras as an ego-transcending spiritual practice will be discussed. The Yamas (moral observances) and Niyamas (moral disciplines) are explored as the path to a higher state of consciousness. This lecture session includes the physical disciplines of asana (postures) and pranayama (breath/ life force), the mental disciplines of pratyahara (withdrawing from distraction) and dharana (concentration) as well as the spiritual disciplines of dhyana (meditation) will also be covered. Students will discuss the final experience of yoga; Samadhi (enlightenment/ ecstasy). Students will be able to explain the role of asana in a yoga practice as set down by Patanjoli. Students will discuss the practice of yoga as and eight limb path, detailing the importance of each limb.
Subtle Energy
The subtle energy session will explore the overreaching concept of subtle anatomy in the 5 interrelated sheaths, the 5 prana vayus and hidden potential in this permeating life-force, the principle of nadis, the 3 primary bandhas, the 7 chakras, their significance and 3 gunas will all be discussed. Students will be able to list and differentiate between subtle energies; the 5 sheaths, prana, the nadis, the bandhas, the chakras and the gunas. They will experience and explain the system of energetic being that is consciously developed through the practice of yoga.
Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga and literally means science of life. It is an approach to living in harmony with the universe, the seasons and nature in order to achieve optimum health. Developed around 1500 BC, this ancient science is built on solid theoretical and experiential foundations which provide a profound understanding of the physical and biological laws that govern human physiology. Students will learn foundation principles of Ayurveda; learn which their dominant dosha is and how to use this information to optimize individual health and well- being. Students will be able to use a daily routine which bring optimal balance and harmony to their body, mind and spirit. Students will be able to choose foods which best pacify their dominant and avoid those which aggravate their dosha.
Yoga Ethics
The Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct and the Bhakti Yoga Teacher Training School Code of Ethics will be reviewed in detail. There will be discussion about illustrating examples of ethical situations which may arise and how such situations are to be ethically handled. Students will understand and agree to the code of conduct and ethics as described by the Yoga Alliance and the Bhakti Yoga Teacher Training School.
Teaching Practicum
Students will lead fellow students in instruction through the primary sequence of poses in the Bhakti flow. Students will then teach an open class at Bhakti Yoga South Jersey with the oversight of a lead trainer. Students will gain confidence by instructing a full Bhakti Hot Flow Class. They will gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence successful instruction of a group yoga class, including energy in the room, student’s level of ability, limitations and ability of students to listen and follow instructional cues. During this session, students will overcome the hurdle of teaching their very first yoga class, with the support and guidance of the experienced lead trainer and fellow training students.